Healthcare Reloaded

Our Story

The HEALTHCARE RELOADED INSTITUTE is an international cross-sector initiative aimed to boost INSPIRATION – INNOVATION – SUSTAINABILITY in healthcare and beyond.

Mission of the Healthcare Reloaded Institute is to foster exchange of knowledge, global awareness about innovation in healthcare and other industries and to provide a platform for presentation of visions, ideas and solutions.

The leading picture of the HEALTHCARE RELOADED INSTITUTE is to serve as a high-level think-tank, with the target to:

  • build a strong platform for open minded top level professionals to broaden their mind and learn about different points of view, interact with leading peers from the healthcare sector – and leading stakeholders from other industries – to mutually benefit from each other and create added value
  • accelerate implementation of innovative models and products and contribute to the increase of overall quality, efficiency and access to care
  • promote sharing of knowledge and public awareness about modern methods, tech solutions, research and options of healthcare provision
  • generate new takeaways and solutions for individuals, organisations and for the multinational and global level – by coming up with new ideas and collaborative and integrative solutions
  • co-create positive impact on the long term future and development of the international healthcare ecosystem

Vision Behind The Healthcare Reloaded Institute

Health is the most valuable asset in the world – so let’s jointly contribute to a healthier tommorow and beyond!

In the HEALTHCARE RELOADED INSTITUTE, we will bring together global forward-thinking exceptional personalities, their brilliant ideas and experience – and foster knowledge and progress of technology, science and the industry.

In the last 15 years of my engagement in international healthcare I had the opportunity to visit and manage projects in various locations and (healthcare) systems across several continents, from early stage emerging markets – up to world‘s prime high-tech centers of excellence. Based on this broad picture, I am convinced, that in the human-centered ecosystem and healthcare provision we still can provide and offer much more than we currently do. If we’d just implement at least a fragment of all the fantastic solutions, tech and concepts which already have been invented – and move together in multidisciplinary, collaborative and global-thinking structures – we can make tremendous contribution to well-being of the people and the planet.

By founding the HEALTHCARE RELOADED INSTITUTE, I ‘d like to contribute to the acceleration of this process – and empower dialogues which go far beyond the traditional mono-industrial, mostly regional tables – to a multi-disciplinary, multi-national and creative exchange. To create an initiative, where, under the motto “stronger-together”, we can encourage implementation of innovative solutions for a better future of international healthcare. And last but not least, to create a platform, where innovative and visionary ideas have a spot light – and can be used as inspiration for further development of several industries.

I am currently in the process of identification of inspirational personalities from several countries, environments and backgrounds – from world leading universities, multinational and regional companies from various industries and governmental and public initiatives – leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, artist, opinion-makers, founders, inventors, managers… and I am absolutely delighted by the positive feedback we‘ve already received – from such a diverse and talented group!

You are warmly invited to join us – as this will be an exceptional journey!

And feel free to recommend colleagues, friends and/or companies!


signature of Dagmar

Industrial Innovation Landscape

When Innovation meets Tradition

Inspire & Share

  • be on top of trends and the market
  • share your ideas and visions
  • accelerate innovation
  • contribute to global awareness and knowledge

Think Outside the Box

The Hospital of the Future


Let’s bridge the gap between POSSIBLE and REALITY – and bring new solutions enabled by tech and science to daily life of the healthcare provision – NOW. What’s the role and structure of a hospital of today – and how to ideally adapt, plan and implement the optimal settings for the future?

#SMARTtech #digitalisation #IoT #AI #VR #robotics #effectiveprocesses #internationalisation #hospitalplanning4.0 #sustainability #healingarchitecture #hospitalwithoutwalls


How can we optimize the tools, systems and approach on individual, national and international level – to improve access to care, convinient patient experience and overall satisfaction, well-being and optimal outcome of a single patient – and global population?

#patientfirst #valuebasedcare #outcomemeasurement #bigdata #publichealth #prevention #lifestylemedicine #nursingandcare


The ultimate space for futuristic visions, ideas and methods shaping the strategic frame of the more distant future of healthcare – based on knowledge of today – and tomorrow. What will healthcare look like for the upcoming generations and beyond?

#personalisedmedicine #longevitymedicine #CRISPR #gene-editing #mRNA #neurotechnology #predictiveanalysis #treatmentofthenontreatable #pharmaandmedtechresearch #AI5.0

Selected topics

  • Hospitality meets Healthcare
  • Healthcare & Space Technology
  • Real Estate planning & finances for Healthcare
  • IT, Connectivity & Communication – how to thrive digitalisation
  • Investment in Healthcare – what pays off?
  • Logistics & lean process management for Healthcare
  • The role of Big Data in Healthcare
  • Art + Culture for a Healing environment

Ready to Reload?

Join Healthcare Reloaded Institute and get access to networking events that can help you meet insightful industry professionals in a pleasant atmosphere.

The Healthcare-Reloaded Institute Awards

  • FUTURISTIC IDEA 5.0 – SHAPING HEALTHCARE 2050 the space of ultimate creativity
  • THE CROSS-INDUSTRY INSPIRATION AWARD inspiration as a key to healthcare innovation
  • GLOBAL WELFARE – SOCIAL IMPACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT solution contributing to sustainability

Almost Ready



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